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Teeth Bridges in Cancun, Mexico

This video interview shows a leading dental surgeon from Mexico discussing dental bridges.

The cost of teeth bridges in Cancun – Mexico is much more affordable than in other western countries such as the US, Canada and the UK. Also, you can choose from a number of internationally trained dental surgeons and state-of-the-art dental clinics  for getting teeth bridges in Cancun.

 Following is the video narration.

“Bridges, dental bridges again –  a type of restoration to give a patient a tooth, if he is missing a tooth or several teeth. There are two types of bridges, fixed partial denture or fixed bridge, or the removable partial denture or removable bridge, that we call. Removable bridges come in when the patient is missing many teeth or we don’t have … support for a fixed bridge and the fixed partial bridge comes in when we have ..space between two teeth and then you have to cut those teeth around for crown preps and you do a bridge and its especially called a bridge ….and then its supported by two …that will be the teeth.

Nowadays………again go back to implants. If you have two natural teeth that are virgin, never have had a restoration, you do a bridge on them, you have to prep them. With an implant you don’t have to do that. And again these patients have may be because they don’t have bone, that’s still an option for those patients and we still give that option to the patient. Some patients, because of systemic issues they cannot have surgery so bridge work is still done nowadays, it’s still used.

We tend to do often more an implant option for the patient knowing that when you ever touch a tooth, it’s not as nice as you do natural teeth alone and just take care of the denture space but we do use and depending on the case – fixed, removable, depending on the patient, the needs of the patient.”

The option of getting teeth bridges in Cancun can be looked into by people hunting for easy-on-the-pocket solutions for their missing teeth. Thanks to the low cost of living in Mexico and a surging dental tourism industry, dental work in Cancun is priced competitively. Additionally, Cancun, with its beautiful sandy beaches and pulsating resorts, holds a special allure for those looking to enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Submit the free request quote form on the right for more information on Dental Bridges in Cancun, Mexico.

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