Same day dentures are ideal for people who don’t want to wait long to be fitted with prosthetics as replacements for their missing teeth. However, the costs related to this dental work can be very expensive. This is not the case with same day dentures in Mexico. Like with all kinds of dental care in Mexico, instant dentures can be availed at a cost that’s definitely not going to put holes in your pockets, which is what happens when the same dental work is done in First World countries. Cost is the primary driving force pushing thousands of Americans and Canadians to Mexico every year as they can’t shoulder the sky-rocketing medical care costs in their homelands.
According to statistics from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAMS), 69% of the US adult population aged between 35 and 44 years has lost at least one permanent tooth. By the age of 74, 26% of American adults have lost all their permanent teeth. Despite the need for dentures, many Americans are still unable to pay for the high dental fees in the United States as they are uninsured or their insurance company does not provide enough coverage. This is why same day implants in Cancun or full mouth reconstruction in Los Algodones at greatly reduced prices are very enticing to them.
One Day Dentures Explained
Before heading for immediate dentures in Mexico, let this piece of information guide you:
- One day dentures can be made and installed on the same day you go to the dentist’s office for them. This can be done for patients whose gums have just healed from tooth extractions or for those who are looking for replacement dentures.
- A one day trip to Mexico for dentures is very much possible even if the tooth to be replaced still has to be extracted. The new denture can be made and cemented into the open bleeding sockets the same day. Same day dentures can lessen bleeding after the extraction and also quicken the healing process.
- With one day dentures, you won’t have to wear temporary dentures that don’t fit properly.
If you wish to extend your stay after being fitted with dentures in an hour in Mexico, you can plan for a cosmetic procedure perhaps, such as a thigh lift in Cancun or a liposuction in Puerto Vallarta. At the same time, you’ll also have a wonderful opportunity of touring different cities in Mexico, all of which are home to spectacular sites that tourists will surely treasure.
Why You Should Go For Same Day Dentures in Mexico
- If money is the only thing that’s keeping you from getting a nice set of teeth, then there’s no reason not to take advantage of the cost of immediate dentures in Mexico, which could go as low as 50% of what dentures cost in the developed countries of the West, such as the USA and Canada.
- You will find a number of world-class dentists in Mexico, many of whom have trained in the US and Europe.
- Renowned dental clinics in Mexico boast of state-of-the-art technology and are sticklers of hygiene and quality that comply with strict international standards. You can find a number of facilities accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI).
- International patients can rest assured they’ll find many English-speaking dentists and dental assistants who are friendly and accommodating.
- Dental tourists from the US will also enjoy reduced travel and accommodation expenses as they can return home on the day of their appointment. Travel time takes only from a few hours to a few minutes, by plane or by car. To enter Mexico, Americans would only need their passport or any valid proof of identity for a stay of up to three months.
Sightseeing Along With Availing Instant Dentures in Mexico
If planning for a tour after getting immediate dentures in Mexico, then here are some recommended sites to see:
- A 2.5-hour drive from Cancun will take you to Ek Balam, the less
famous cousin of Chichen Itza, which is home to Mayan ruins.
- Gad along the golden shores of Playa Caracol in Cancun.
- Witness the fury of raging bulls at the Playas de Tijuana, Baja California.
- Pamper yourself with retail therapy at the Avenida Revolucion in Tijuana.
- The Algodones dunes in Baja California are counted among the best sandboarding destinations in the world.
Getting same day dentures in Mexico can be both fulfilling and enjoyable even in just a short span of time. It’s simply a matter of keeping yourself well-informed and well-prepared for your dental adventure away from home.
Mexico Health facilitates affordable Same Day Dentures in Los Algodones, Tijuana, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. For more information, please submit the estimate-request form on the right.