Mexico, known for its rich culture and delicious cuisine is rarely seen as a cancer treatment destination. However, there are numerous cancer clinics in Mexico, especially along its northern border, which provide a wide array of effective therapies to combat this dreaded disease. It might be difficult to find such alternate cancer therapies in other countries.
The close proximity of Mexican cities like Tijuana to the US border where many of these clinics are based makes it easier for tourists to travel back and forth. According to the secretary of tourism, Baja California, in 2009, approximately 8 million people visited Tijuana, Mexico for some type of healthcare. The close proximity of Mexican hospitals with their low cost, quality healthcare attracts a fair share of medical tourists annually.
The standard treatment for cancer in most of the first world countries involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Alternate cancer clinics in Mexico, on the other hand, give patients the opportunity to explore other treatment options such as antimicrobial therapy, ozone therapy etc, which are not allowed in the United States.
To know the cost of cancer treatment in Mexico, you can ask for free online quotes.
Why Mexico for Cancer Treatment
- The main upside of undergoing cancer treatment in Mexico is the accessibility to those cancer therapies which are not available in the US, Canada and many other developed countries.
- The Mexican government ensures that neither the doctors nor their staff is burdened with unnecessary paperwork, policies or restrictions which plague almost all the major hospitals in the West. This leaves the doctors in the Mexico cancer centers free to choose from the best conventional and alternative therapies from across the world.
- Unlike America where over a 100 non toxic and useful, scientifically documented cancer treatments are either ignored or banned, Mexico allows its doctors to use alternative therapies and even combine them with traditional treatment to give patients the best healthcare possible.
- Cancer centers in Mexico focus on the holistic method of treating people and also help cancer patients deal with the additional stresses of day to day life.
Cancer Treatment Options in Mexico
Apart from conventional treatment, cancer clinics in Mexico also offer a wide variety of alternative therapies. Some of these unconventional cancer treatment options in Mexico are mentioned below:
- Nutritional therapy such as the Gerson diet.
- Metabolic therapy – a program developed to ‘train’ the immune system to get rid of your cancer.
- Oxygen therapies.
- Stem Cell Therapy.
- Indiba Hyperthermia.
- Regeneration & Rejuvenation Therapy.
- Biological Vaccines (VCAN).
These cancer clinics of excellence in Mexico offer packages and a combination of therapies tailored to suit the patients.
Finding Cancer Clinics in Mexico
There are a number of cancer centers in Mexico based in major cities like Tijuana, Monterrey, Cancun and Guadalajara which provide excellent care.
- These hospitals vary from one-doctor-one-patient facilities to huge establishments having a team of doctors and staff.
- Offshore patients must ensure that the clinics and the doctors they decide on are reputable, reliable and trustworthy.
- Mexico Health helps patients get in touch with the leading cancer hospitals in Mexico and allows them to discuss their conditions and the different treatment options in detail.
Cancer Treatment in Mexico – What to Expect
- Going to a hospital in Mexico is a new experience for patients from other countries, largely because of the cultural differences.
- One must keep in mind that Mexico is not a rich country and may have a number of roads and buildings in need of repair. This, however, does in no way reflect on the state of the hospitals or the quality of care administered in Mexico.
- Cancer clinics in Mexico are equipped with the latest technology and all facilities to make the stay as pleasant as possible.
- Mexican Oncologists are highly experienced and combine treatment modalities depending on the needs of the patients.
- Specialized cancer diets are also provided to the patients.
- Hospitals and clinics are well equipped for carrying out both brain cancer treatment and ovarian cancer treatment in Mexico.
- Medical loans are also available for the medical tourists seeking financial assistance for medical treatment in Mexico.
Cost of Cancer Treatment in Mexico
- Owing to the low standard of living, medical procedures in Mexico cost approximately 1/10th of their value in the first world countries.
- The cost of cancer treatment in Mexico is light on the pocket and easy on the mind. Patients give themselves a chance to heal by using therapies from across the world.
- Even after the cost of airfare and accommodation is taken into consideration, the total value falls to a fraction of the cost in the US, Canada and Western Europe.
- In 1999, a Californian law allowed insurers to reimburse providers in Mexico. This has paved the way for changes in insurance companies. The low cost of healthcare ensures that premiums are less than two-third of their value in America.
Places to Visit While Traveling to Mexico for Cancer Treatment
The world’s third largest metropolitan, Mexico City has something to suit every palate.
- Baja California, close to the Mexico border is renowned for its beautiful sandy beaches.
- Guadalajara is associated with some of the customs which are considered characteristically Mexican like the mariachi music, broad-brimmed sombrero hats and the Mexican rodeo to name a few. The Guadalajara Cathedral is a must-visit for connoisseurs of architecture.
- The beach resort of Puerto Vallarta is the ideal setting for cancer patients to recuperate in peace.
Today cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases to plague humanity. For decades man has tried finding a cure, a permanent solution to this problem. Through trials and after years of study certain methods like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy have been declared as the best ways to tame the disease. These methods however, apart from killing the cancer cells also poison the bodies to a great extent.
Cancer clinics in Mexico bring to the people non toxic therapies from across the globe, many of which have been successful in one case or the other. Rather than shutting one off from newer ideas and suggestions, cancer treatment in Mexico allows one to explore all possibilities in the fight against the disease.
Mexico Health facilitates affordable medical treatments at various quality hospitals in Mexico. For more information, please submit the estimate-request form on the right.